Reiki Training and Attunement in Albuquerque
with Reiki Master practitioner & teacher
Martyne Backman
(7th degree Usui lineage)
Next Reiki Training in Albuquerque area: LEVEL I –
Saturday, September 15, 9:30-4:30
Reiki is a powerful and yet subtle form of energy healing, a
“laying on of hands” that balances the body’s energy centers (chakras)
and relaxes the entire physical body. It stimulates healing and can relieve pain.
Learn to do Reiki for yourself and your loved ones!
Workshop participants receive:
- Training from a Reiki Master healer with 20 years experience, including:
- An in-depth history of Reiki; learn the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of Reiki energy healing, and why each Reiki experience is unique (stories!)
- Information on Reiki hand positions and variables; protocols; working with a pendulum;
- A Reiki I attunement to do hands-on healing for oneself and others.
- Experience giving and receiving Reiki.
- A Reiki I Certificate.
- Reiki session with Martyne during the month prior ($75). You will be asked to chronicle/journal the session and its effects and share this at the training.
- Reading 52 pages of the Reiki I Manual prior to the training (included).
Registration is limited to 4 attendees to assure individual attention.
Please contact Martyne with any questions or for information regarding Reiki II training.
You may email her to request a registration form.