About Us – Reiki and Therapeutic Massage

About Us – Reiki and Therapeutic Massage

Reiki master practitioner and teacher Martyne Backman

opened Shanti Wellness Therapies with massage therapist Becca Grant to offer Albuquerque gentle energetic and holistic therapies.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMartyne Backman has been doing Reiki healing since 1995. She also offers classes for Reiki training and attunement for self care or practitioners (Levels 1, 2 & 3) several times a year. She has been a distributor for the Rejuvenizers since 2001. The Rejuvenizers shield from all types of Electromagnetic Frequencies and radiation from cell phones, WiFi fields, satellites, computers, and other sources of electrical EMF.


View Martyne Backman's profile on LinkedIn


Rebecca J. “Becca” Grant has been a certified massage therapist and bodywork practitioner (LMT 3914, CNMT), in the Albuquerque area for 16 years. She specializes in therapeutic and hot stone massage.

For more information, please email Becca at shantiwellness9720b@gmail.com